About us


Established in 1977, Sea Shepherd is an international non-profit, marine wildlife conservation organization.

Our mission is to end the destruction of habitat and slaughter of wildlife in the world's oceans in order to conserve and protect ecosystems and species.

Sea Shepherd uses innovative direct-action tactics to investigate, document, and take action when necessary to expose and confront illegal activities on the high seas. By safeguarding the biodiversity of our delicately-balanced ocean ecosystems, Sea Shepherd works to ensure their survival for future generations.


We pride ourselves on using 100% Organic Indian Cotton which is certified by the Control Union and Soil Association so you can rest assured that in supporting our oceans you're also supporting organic trade markets. Our Carbon Footprint has been successfully assessed to BSI's PAS2050 standard as well as certified by the Carbon Trust, and has been reduced by 90%. We're proud to be authenticated by the Fair Wear Foundation as well. Buying our merchandise is a guaranteed way to be across all areas of environmental justice.

"I have been honored to serve the whales, dolphins, seals - and all the other creatures on this Earth. Their beauty, intelligence, strength, and spirit have inspired me. These beings have spoken to me, touched me, and I have been rewarded by friendship with many members of different species.

If the whales survive and flourish, if the seals continue to live and give birth, and if I can contribute to ensuring their future prosperity, I will be forever happy."

- Paul Watson